deodorant before spray tan

Deodorant Before Spray Tan

Another common question when preparing for beauty treatments is whether or not to wear deodorant before getting a spray tan. This topic could explore the reasons why deodorant may affect the results of a spray tan, and provide some tips for how to prepare for the treatment.

Should You Use Deodorant Before Spray Tanning? Here’s What You Need to Know

When it comes to spray tanning, using deodorant before the session can be a matter of personal preference and individual circumstances. Deodorant typically contains ingredients that can create a barrier on the skin’s surface, potentially interfering with the absorption of the spray tan solution.

However, if you’re concerned about body odor or sweat during the tanning process, using a deodorant specifically designed for spray tanning or one that is aluminum-free and fragrance-free may be an option. It is important to consult with your spray tanning technician or follow any specific instructions they provide to ensure the best outcome.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Deodorant Before a Spray Tan

When it comes to using deodorant before a spray tan, there are some important do’s and don’ts to consider.

Do: If you prefer to use deodorant before your session, choose a product that is aluminum-free, fragrance-free, and specifically formulated for spray tanning. Apply it sparingly and avoid overapplying or using excessively.

Don’t: Use deodorants that contain aluminum compounds, as they can create a barrier on the skin’s surface and hinder the absorption of the spray tan solution. Additionally, avoid using deodorants with strong fragrances or oils, as they can interfere with the development of the tan. It’s always best to consult with your spray tanning technician for specific recommendations or guidelines.

How to Prep Your Skin Before a Spray Tan Without Deodorant

If you prefer not to use deodorant before your spray tan, there are alternative steps you can take to prep your skin. Firstly, ensure that your underarms are clean and free from any products, oils, or residues that may interfere with the spray tan’s absorption. Prior to your session, exfoliate the skin gently to remove any dead skin cells and create a smooth canvas for the tan.

Moisturize any dry areas, such as elbows or knees, to prevent them from absorbing excessive tanning solution. If body odor is a concern, consider taking a shower and applying a fragrance-free body powder or antiperspirant spray after the spray tan has fully developed.

Understanding the Risks of Using Deodorant Before Spray Tanning

Using deodorant before spray tanning can pose some risks and potentially affect the outcome of your tan. Deodorants that contain aluminum compounds or fragrances can create a barrier on the skin’s surface, preventing the spray tan solution from being fully absorbed. This can result in an uneven or patchy tan.

Additionally, the interaction between the deodorant ingredients and the tanning solution may cause undesirable reactions or discoloration on the skin. To minimize these risks, it is advisable to either avoid using deodorant before your spray tan session or opt for an aluminum-free and fragrance-free deodorant specifically formulated for spray tanning.

Real People Share Their Experience with Using Deodorant Before Spray Tanning

The experience of using deodorant before spray tanning can vary among individuals. Some people choose to use deodorant to manage body odor and perspiration during the tanning process and have reported positive outcomes without any noticeable impact on their spray tan. On the other hand, others have found that using deodorant before a spray tan led to an uneven or blotchy result.

It is important to remember that everyone’s skin is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. To make an informed decision, consider consulting with your spray tanning technician and experimenting with different approaches to find the method that suits you best.


In conclusion, it’s best to avoid using deodorant or antiperspirant before a spray tan. These products can create a barrier on the skin and prevent the tanning solution from working correctly. If you need to use deodorant, opt for a fragrance-free option.